Improvements to repeat
Using this as a holding space for repeat improvements
- Repeat should work for events. Notes too, I can't see an obvious use case for repeating notes but it adds no overhead.
- Should be able to end a repeat after x number of repeats, or on a particular date.
- Choose to update a repeat on current, future or all entries
- More flexibility with repeat options
- Choose wether tasks should repeat when complete, or when created
- If choosing repeat when complete, repeating weekly/monthly/yearly events should repeat according to their original repetition period i.e. weekly task should repeat as a weekly task even if it gets moved to a daily task
- Ensure that repetitions (especially events which have utc dates) work with DST
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Concerned Rebe
Is this also the placeholder for repeated items being in the list by default instead of only after completion? This is starting to mess with my planning as I'll look at a day and think I have heaps of spare time because it doesn't take into account repeated tasks that aren't completed yet.
I have a task that repeats on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Sunday, I create my week schedule. My Friday looks empty - great! Oh no, after completing the task on Wednesday I suddenly realize I have it on Friday, too.
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make event repetable just like tasks
Official Gabriella
events can repeat in many cases, for example i go to school five days a week alway at the same hour, but i have to individually create 5 different "school" events every week, why?
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Better granularity for repeating tasks
Apparent Aubry
Repeating tasks options e.g. first weekday of the month; second Saturday of the month. Current options limit useability for specific week day or weekend only tasks. Also monthly tasks e.g. last day/first day of the month could then be scheduled to fit with work days/weekends as necessary
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Event to have recurring option
Furious Charissa
Tasks have ability to make it recurring, but Events do not. Could we have this option available for Events too.
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Recurring/repeating events
Mark H
It's great to see recurring tasks come to Bullet. I think recurring events would be a good choice for those who don't want to link their personal calendar. Events like birthdays, anniversaries and planned monthly reviews are examples of a recurring event.
Insufficient Maire
Also voting in favor of repeat events, it would be a good way to mark stuff like birthdays and etc.
Compulsory Rosalind
Bumping in favor of having repeating events
Fine Teri
I would like to add a request for complex repeat options—I think this falls under “more flexibility with repeat options”. I have some tasks and events that repeat on, for example, the first Tuesday of the month. Bullet currently can’t handle these cases.
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Set events weekly, monthly...
Significant Sianna
As happen with tasks, repeat an event every week would be very usefull.
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Add recurring to events
Slippery Lolly
When scheduling an event, request to add recurring option with expire date/duration or indefinite and automatically show/add all future events on calendar.
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