"I’d also like to make a case for adopting TickTick’s “Pin task to Live Activity” feature either instead or as well. One of the things that I really struggle with with apps is how much I have to use my phone to answer the question “What am I supposed to be doing right now?” Just opening my phone makes it 10x more likely I’m going to find a distraction thanks to my ADHD — even if I intend to open Bullet, my brain can just go “Oh dang. 10 texts. Better see what’s up” and there goes an hour, right?
With the ability to start a Live Activity timer or just pin a task to the live activity on an iPhone, that issue is gone because I can just lift my phone and see a big block that says “This is what you said your active task (or subtask) was supposed to be, idiot” and move right along. It’s a really effective tool for ADHDers and one that I think would make the app a lot more accessibility friendly for neurodivergent folks like myself. "
Created by Hamish
July 16, 2024